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Around our community business area, you will find some colourful little bunnies sitting in the windows of our shops and businesses. Provided below are clues you can use to find these bunnies. If you find one, pop your answers below and submit your answers when all of them have been found! Your last bunny can be found at the Pride in Putāruru office, here you will be given your prize, a chocolate easter egg! 

When looking for the bunnies please be careful crossing roads, be respectful to the shop owners and if you aren't sure of any of the clues, feel free to ask at the Pride in Putāruru Information Centre. 

Please note the Information Centre is open 9-3pm, easter eggs can be collected between the 25th-28th March 2024. 

Fill in your answers as best as you can below! Happy hunting!

Well done! You may now collect your easter egg from the PIP office!

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